Who we are

iUrban Equipo

Let me share with you the story of iUrban.es, a story that is not about resounding success or exceptionally talented people. It is rather the story of 2 architect partners (with no idea of computer science), someone like you and me, and of a brilliant idea (how much money that idea would cost us…), an idea that would make us quickly reach fortune (tremble Zuckerberg). Full of hope, we embarked on a risky project and invested all our savings. All in!

But, as with so many true stories, this was a story of failure. Yes, that word that sounds so harsh and bitter in our ears. The English call it “failure,” a word that seems to soften its impact, and sometimes they are right, because the only failure would be not to have tried.

But what was this terrible idea?

I was on my way to a job interview (Acciona construction company in Madrid), an interview to which I arrived late because my cell phone did not charge properly during the night. And, as expected, all the data and information was there. The result? I was not hired. And like many ideas, out of that bad experience came the idea…. What if there had been an outdoor solar charger to charge my cell phone in time?

If it worked in New York, Spain will be next. Once we developed this super-charging street light, we decided to put a screen on it, a 24H information point showing events and plans nearby. After spending all our savings, we saw that it was so difficult to install this street light (municipal permits, civil works, connections) that we said (2 startup accelerators later) “What if we just put the screen on it and we do away with the street light?  

There comes our presentation to society, reconvert the phone booths (which already had internet and current) in information points (much cheaper and without asking for permits), but again we still did not get that, so we started this (hard) way, something that was massive.


About 20 Routes later in the Sierra de Segura in the summer of 2022, the idea of a totally virtual office appeared, but a real one, not one of those directories without personalization, and suddenly she arrived. In November we met GPT, no more booths, this technology will change the world (at least the way offices relate to tourists).

Then go through investment rounds (two), going through all the banks and loans (we are worth more dead than alive according to our life insurance policies)GPT and you, the tourism managers, have helped us to find the right direction (the sweet spot or “product market fit” as investors say).

Hoy en día, iUrban es una startup en constante crecimiento (te diría que duplicamos anualmente ingresos, pero tú no eres inversor), por lo que no quiero convencerte, tal vez contagiarte de esa pasión que nunca perdimos de hacer algo totalmente disruptivo, algo que te haga sonreír nada más levantarte. Por lo que aquí tienes a +20 personas que no pararemos hasta que tu Destino llegue a ese punto dulce, ese ¿Cómo no habíamos puesto esto antes? Como me pasa a mí cuando veo una cabina de teléfono por la calle 😉

Reconversión cabina telefónica